Welcome to Instantloveland

Instantloveland takes its name from a painting made by Jules Olitski at the very point in the late 20th century at which the Modernist hegemony in advanced art began to unravel; and it offers a platform for all forms of discourse that seek to better understand what has happened to abstract art between then and now. By both reaching back into its past and considering its potential futures, Instantloveland will explore how abstract art has continued to interact with broader aspects of social and cultural change, whether they be aesthetic, political, philosophical, and/or technological.

We intend to initiate dialogues, share ideas, and provoke thought and argument about abstraction, by examining the diverse forms of art practice, past and present, that acknowledge its influence, and work with, or against, or around it. With these goals in mind, we welcome contributions of all kinds- the written word, podcasts, audio, video, or other new media- from contributors of all kinds, whether practising artists, writers on art, gallerists, curators, or other interested parties. By way of a return, we offer a vibrant environment in which new voices can be heard; and the opportunity to take part in an ongoing dialogue.

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Notes for Contributors

We have no fixed notions as to what form a submission to Instantloveland might take: all materials received will be assessed on their own individual merits.

That said, we have strongly-held views regarding what Instantloveland is not intended for: it is not here to function as an online listings magazine, or to offer free publicity or promotional opportunities for individuals, galleries or other organisations, or to publish press releases or promotional materials on an uncritical ‘come one, come all’ basis; or to feature the sort of ‘lifestyle’ articles or blogs found in the Sunday supplements. We invite serious, considered submissions that approach their subject in a genuine spirit of critical inquiry, backed up by careful research.

We ask that whatever you submit for our consideration has not been previously published, broadcast, heard or shown anywhere else, in whole or in part: with the exception of online content hosting sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, et al., that allow you to retain ownership of copyright.

What you send us may turn out to be a first draft. If we feel that there are improvements that could be made, whether in terms of tightening up your prose, making your argument clearer, or (in the case of audio/visual, podcast, or other media) modifying or enhancing your material in any way, then we would like to collaborate with you in this process. The final outcome of this collaboration will be shown to you for approval before publication on the site: and in the unlikely event that we are unable to arrive at a mutually satisfying result, you can, of course, withhold consent to publish.

We ask that you give full acknowledgement to any secondary sources quoted or reproduced in any form within your submission: please click below to download Citations PDF, which sets out the various forms of citation that we require.

We welcome the extensive use of visual imagery, whether as illustrations to accompany text, or via the medium of film, video, etc.

For text-based submissions: we ask that you indicate, by placing captions in the body of your text, where each illustration is to be placed; please send your illustrations as separate files, and ensure that they are each at least 1026 x 784 pixels in size.

For film, video and other media submissions: if you have an account with YouTube, Vimeo, et al., we will set up a link between Instantloveland and the site at which your account is held. Otherwise, we will consult with you in making alternative arrangements regarding content hosting.

Your submission, if successful, will be posted on Instantloveland on the basis of one-off, sole usage as part of the content of the site. You will retain ownership of the copyright.

Please note: we will reject out of hand any submission that, in our opinion, advances extreme or discriminatory views on the part of its author(s); that uses immoderate, abusive, inflammatory or threatening language towards any individual or group, or that seeks to give gratuitous offence.

Contact john@instantloveland.com  and  matt@instantloveland.com

Click on the download button below to download ‘Citations’ PDF